Friday 26 June 2015

Digital parenting as important as the parenting in real world

Every parent wants their children to be happy and successful in her/his life. So, they protect their children from all the dangers of the world and keep them safe and sheltered. The same sense of concern should extend to jeopardy that present themselves in the digital world. 
Times have changed. Now-a-days, technology has become a crucial part of our lives. It has made our lives so easy and convenient that we use it almost every day. We just cannot imagine our life without it, and the most dominating form is internet. This internet age is very different of what it was decades ago and so it is imperative for the parents to recognize the importance of technology. They should learn how to use social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc., in their day-to-day life. As the kids today are certainly better and well accustomed than the parents and are using all these latest technology in their phones. Hence, parents ought to do their best to learn about the digital media. 
Digital parenting is one of those topics that can make families uncomfortable. No teenager wants their parents to stick their nose into her/his personal business, similarly, no parents wants to keep their children from making the most of the advantages of the digital world. But it’s important to know what your children are doing on the internet as it opens them up to a whole new range of possible dangers which include cyberbullying, child predators and inappropriate content. 
Digital parenting is as important as parenting against dangers in the real world. So, there are numerous parental control app available in the market. It doesn’t mean that you stalk their every move like some intruder. Give them freedom to connect with others online while dramatically decreasing the likelihood of harm. Sexting, a scary new trend where teens send nude or semi-nude photos via cell phone and e-mails which is popping up throughout the country. Children can be prosecuted and marked as criminals for the rest of their lives if they're caught with a provocative photo on their cell phone. It is essential to monitor your child’s online activities and to keep a track of people with whom your innocent child interact inconspicuously. As parents, you should always be aware of the people your children hang out with in the real world as well in the digital world. 
Digital parenting app allows parents to know when their children are making good decisions regarding their social circle and also when they are falling prey to someone’s grimy desires. It will also allow you to locate your child’s phone, giving you an idea of where she/he is. This could be an important emergency as well as letting you know if your child went where she/he says as they planned to go.